Getting to know Giovanni from Giovanni K Art Gallery

Getting to know Giovanni from Giovanni K Art Gallery

Giovanni, our resident Melbourne artist has been creating beautiful oil paintings of some of Melbourne’s most popular landmarks. We chat to him about his art gallery, inspirations and how his love affair with art began.

When and why did you start Giovanni K Art Gallery?
I had a long professional career with General Electric and then I had my own engineering business for many years, but throughout that entire time I continued to create paintings as a hobby for my family and friends.  I decided to develop my hobby into an art gallery but it hasn’t changed my core artistic approach, being a simple and easy to enjoy kind of art built around the artistic standards of post-impressionist and surrealistic styles.

I’ve also been pleasantly surprised to find the right type of customers for my original oil paintings, which explains why I am not doing the large art exhibitions where the big brand artists showcase their work at very high prices. I’ve just been happy to service the artistic needs of art lovers

Have you always been interested in art?
I first started to paint at the age of four when I was at kindergarten. I had a very inspiring teacher, who kept telling me I was quite talented at drawing and painting. I  developed a passion for art very early on, but it was nothing more than a hobby. As a high school student I studied the history of French Art and fell in love with Van Gough, Monet and Delacroix.

What inspires you?
In addition to the French impressionists, I discovered very early on the most creative and innovative work of the Spanish Artist Salvadore Dali, and as a hobby I made several copies of his most famous paintings.

Why oil painting?
Since my humble beginnings, I have created colour composition and theme oil paintings on canvas and rightly or wrongly never ventured out to any other medium. I continue to love oil paintings.

Do you have a favourite painting you’ve worked on?
As a new immigrant to Australia, I became interested very early on in the historic heritage style buildings, which have since become the focus of my artistic efforts. I find it fascinating to present the beautiful heritage style of the most famous Melbourne monuments like the Melbourne Tram, Flinders Street Station, St Kilda Pier and other popular Melbourne landmarks.

Where are most of your paintings displayed?
The largest group of my customers are mums and dads who are art lovers and enjoy putting real art in their living room, dining room and decorative feature walls in their homes. Quite often I am engaged for in-home art design consultancy, and I have also worked with several interior designers. Over the years I have also contributed to the internal decor design of restaurants, hotels, cafes and offices

Anything you wish to add?
I thoroughly enjoy the multicultural environment of Queen Victoria Market and it makes me very happy that I have many customers who are looking for real artwork presenting Melbourne icons.

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