Simple Ways to Enjoy Truffle at Home

Simple Ways to Enjoy Truffle at Home

Truffle season is in full swing this winter and it’s better than ever! If you’ve been curious about cooking with truffle but aren’t sure where to start, we’ve got you covered with these three super simple truffle dishes you can make at home. From infused eggs to mouth-watering fettuccini, the addition of truffle will make your meals pop this winter.

Truffle-infused eggs
This one is way easier than people think. Store your truffle in an airtight glass container with about half a dozen eggs still in their shells. Leave the container in the fridge overnight and the flavour will be absorbed into the yolk via the egg shell, ready for you to scramble, poach or boil in the morning. Want even more flavour? Shave some truffle over your eggs as desired. Does an omelette tickle your fancy? Instead of shaving truffle on top, you can shave it into the mixture, so it cooks with the omelette. Delish.

Toasted truffle sandwich
Jazz up the classic winter toastie with truffle and you’ll wonder why you haven’t thought of it before. All you need is some white bread, some good quality salted butter, a few truffle shavings and two types of cheese – we recommend gruyere and cheddar. You can also add some raw onion too for a twist on the classic. Pop your sandwich in the sandwich maker and voila!

Truffle pasta
This simple pasta recipe tastes like something you’d eat at a five-star restaurant yet can be whipped up in less than ten minutes. All you need is 500g of fresh pasta, 100g of parmesan cheese, 150g of butter and however much truffle you’d like. Melt the butter in a fry pan, cook the pasta in a separate pot, then combine with the butter and add the cheese until it melts. Stir through, add salt and pepper to taste, then shave your desired amount of truffle on top – and add a bit more Parmesan, because there’s no such thing as too much cheese, right?

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