Winter Seasonal Produce Update

Winter Seasonal Produce Update

Winter is not a dormant time of year for the garden crop – be sure to seek out all that is vibrant and green; and watch as below ground vegetables really shine.

Carrots are sweeter and more tender in the cooler months, while parsnips are rich and almost creamy. Celeriac is just perfect at this time of year; and is absolutely divine when added to mash or finely shredded for a remoulade style salad with mustard and mayo.

Look out for Jerusalem artichokes which are best enjoyed when scrubbed and roasted; and cauliflower, broccoli and cabbages of all types are just lovely. Brussels sprouts come into their own in winter – my tip is to choose the smaller ones over the larger.

Get cooking with a warming minestrone using turnips, swedes, kohl rahbi, leeks and borlotti beans – all of which are cheap and in abundance – and look out for beetroot which is so sweet, earthy and deliciously tender.

Fennel is definitely a personal favourite at this time of year, and is best enjoyed when shaved raw for salads or wedged and roasted in olive oil.

Citrus fruits are king in winter so be sure to try them at their best. Look out for all local oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes. The mandarin season is shorter so get stuck in early and make marmalade!

The ruby jewels of winter include rhubarb, quince and tamarillos; all of which are ready for slow poaching.

Papaya and paw paw are at their usual best, try them with lots of fresh lime juice squeezed over.

Happy cooking shopping and sharing.

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