Five-Year Market Strategy

Planning the Market’s recovery and future
Following an extensive trader and public feedback process, Queen Victoria Market management has released its five-year Strategy to support the Market’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
The Future Market Strategy will preserve the heritage, character and core offer that people love about the Market, and build on this to make it an even better place to visit, shop and trade.
Supporting current traders to enhance their offer and attracting innovative new businesses are other core priorities of the Strategy, supported by improvements to the trader experience, safety and operations, environmental sustainability and more.
The Strategy aligns and depends upon the City of Melbourne Renewal Program, which is focused on retaining and restoring the Market’s historic structures and improving facilities for traders and customers.
- Read more and download a copy of the Future Market Strategy here.
Feedback that informed the strategy
The Future Market Strategy was finalised following a six-week trader and public feedback process on the draft Strategy released in mid-April 2021. This included Market traders; customers and local community members; and stakeholders across government, heritage groups, business, industry and more.
There were varied views about the future of the Market, with most agreeing the highest priorities are protecting the Market’s heritage/character and ensuring its future viability. Market traders and wider stakeholders were generally supportive and accepting of the draft Strategy, while customers and local community members shared a diversity of views.
Changes were made to the Strategy to address key feedback themes, balancing the varied views and needs of different stakeholders. Changes largely clarify or further explain key areas of concern and confusion, and actions/other elements have been added to respond to feedback and suggestions. Requirements of QVM management and the City of Melbourne, and the extensive data, research, insights and previous trader/customer feedback that informed the draft Strategy were also considered.
An overview of the feedback process, summary of feedback themes, Strategy changes and other actions to address feedback can be downloaded via the link below.
- Download the Draft Strategy Feedback Summary and Next Steps here.