We Chat with Rocco from the EGGsperts

This month we caught up with Rocco Modaffari from the EGGsperts to talk all things eggs, the Market and his favourite egg recipe.
When did the the EGGsperts start? Can you talk me through that process?
The EGGsperts at QVM started five years ago; however, we were in Footscray for over thirty years. We had both stalls at the same time but decided that The Queen Victoria Market is where we saw our future.
Why should people shop at the EGGsperts?
We always try to source the purist honey from all over Australia. Our Egg farmers are second to none, providing us with the freshest eggs – some with the least amount of stocking density. One of our farmers only stocks 14 birds per hector compared with the national standard of 10,000!
Can you tell me about where your eggs come from?
We get our eggs from farms across Victoria, South Australia and Queensland. Over the years we have found that you should never keep all your eggs in one basket, so we source eggs and honey from all over Australia.
You have many years of experience, what have you learnt along the way?
We have learnt over the years of being in business that if you are honest with your suppliers they will look after you and if you are honest with your customers they will come back.
What is your favourite recipe with eggs?
It would have to be an omelette my grandmother used to make with potatoes. It’s quite easy to make: just eggs, sliced potatoes and parsley.
How did you get into selling honey?
We started selling honey in our Footscray stall 30 years ago and over the years have increased our range to include local roof top honey, Jarrah honey (which is only found in Western Australia), Leatherwood honey from Tasmania and of course Manuka honey.
What are the best and worst parts of your job?
The best part of my job is meeting all different types people. The worst would have to be the cold early starts.
What’s a fact about eggs or honey that most people wouldn’t know?
Most people don’t know that cold smoked eggs can last up 4 months!
Why did you choose Queen Vic Market?
We chose The Queen Victoria Market because of the diverse of customers, the atmosphere of the market and because it is an icon to Melbourne. We love the ambience and the hustle and bustle of the Market.