Great Aussie Coin Hunt

Great Aussie Coin Hunt

It’s time to get your coin on, Australia! #GreatAussieCoinHunt is back and we are so excited to be a part of it with our very own Queen Victoria Market $1 coin.

The Great Aussie Coin Hunt gives you the chance to collect a set of 26 new $1 coins featuring iconic and admired symbols of Australian life including Melbourne’s favourite Queen Vic Market.

Other coins in the series include landmarks like the Sydney Harbour Bridge; much-loved brands, like M for Milo and T for Tim Tam; Australian flora and fauna like K for Koala and U for Ulysses Butterfly; Quintessential Aussie foods like B for Barbecue and P for Pavlova; and even favourite television program Home and Away!

Designed to be fun for all ages, everyone can join in the hunt by going into a participating Post Office, making a purchase and receiving the $1 collectable coins in your change, or by purchasing single coins or the entire collection instore or online.

The Great Aussie Coin Hunt is on now until 7 June.

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