Heritage Shed Restoration
The City of Melbourne’s Renewal Program is continuing to restore and revitalise Queen Victoria Market and the surrounding area. Along with other improvements and initiatives, we are working hard to make sure the Market remains one of Melbourne’s most treasured places to visit.
As these works are undertaken, there will be some disruptions for traders, customers and Market operations, but we are working hard to minimise these as much as possible.
Onsite signage, wayfinding and promotion at each stage is ensuring Market visitors are aware of what is happening and can find their way around the Market.
More detailed information on the Shed Restoration project is available on the City of Melbourne’s website.
H and I Shed restoration and temporary relocation of traders
With the restoration of all Upper Market sheds complete and following the introduction of new services including running water and electricity supply to each stall in A, B and C Sheds, it was H and I Sheds’ turn to be restored and revitalised.
All H and I Shed traders (fruit & veg, organics and specialty stalls) remained open throughout the works and were relocated to a temporary home just across Queen Street in C and D Sheds.
H and I Shed works commenced in January 2023 and were completed in October 2023, however H and I Shed traders will remain temporarily located in C and D Sheds for approximately 3 years while restoration and broader Market Infrastructure works occur.
You can find H and I Shed traders in these new locations: