CRFT*WRK Melbourne Craft Fair

CRFT*WRK Melbourne Craft Fair

The historic meets the cutting edge at CRFT* WRK, a celebration of contemporary locally made craft under the iconic sheds at Queen Victoria Market.

Curated by the team behind The Rose St. Artists’ Market, experience a totally unique contemporary craft fair showcasing independent makers of all kinds with works that you won’t find anywhere else.

Melbourne is home to some of the most creative artists and designers and CRFT* WRK is your chance to catch them all under the one roof.

Shop, source, commission and explore.

Curated by Rose St Artists’ Market and supported by City of Melbourne and Queen Victoria Market. Check out their official website for more event information.

Key Details
Dates: Saturday 25 June (9am – 4pm)
Location: Rear of K & L Shed

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