The Purpose Precinct Launched at Queen Vic Market

Media Release
4 November 2022
Queen Victoria Market is now home to The Purpose Precinct – a showcase of Victorian social enterprise products and services located in the Market’s String Bean Alley.
With the backing of the Victorian Government and Social Enterprise Network of Victoria, The Purpose Precinct is a partnership with leading social enterprises Good Cycles and STREAT. Social enterprises are socially-focused businesses that create greater opportunity, inclusion and impact in their work.
The Purpose Precinct brings together a range of unique products and services from over 20 Victorian social enterprises such as Clothing the Gap and HoMie, with many more to come. The offer includes:
Bicycle sales, services and repair operated by Good Cycles who, through their work, create employment pathways for young people while contributing to more sustainable cities by repairing and encouraging people to ride bikes.
A curated and rotating range of goods all made, designed and/or recycled from sustainably and ethically sourced materials including homewares, preserves and other non-perishable food, kitchen garden and home growing supplies, clothing and accessories.
Queen Victoria Market CEO Stan Liacos says the Market is proud to partner with Good Cycles and STREAT, which sits well with the Market’s history and future plans.
“Throughout its 140-year history, Queen Victoria Market has provided access to essential fresh food, goods and services to Melburnians, as well as being an important part of the city’s social fabric.
“The Purpose Precinct brings a unique mix of quality products and services, helping to achieve our goal to diversify the Market’s offerings to appeal to Melburnians and contribute to positive economic and social outcomes,” he said.
STREAT CEO Rebecca Scott says many of Victoria’s social enterprises create employment opportunities for people who face structural barriers to work.
“The Purpose Precinct will showcase products and services being made in all corners of the state, and we’re excited for people to have a taste of the delicious things the sector has to offer.”
Good Cycles CEO Jaison Hoernel says the team is thrilled to be part of the Market’s diverse and thriving culture.
“We’re excited to call Queen Victoria Market our new home. The Purpose Precinct will create a front door for social enterprises to work together to engage community, and deliver products and services to help people, places and the planet to thrive.
“Our ambition is to see hundreds of Victorian social enterprises represented in the Precinct over the coming years, all working together not only to create better cites, but also meaningful employment opportunities for Victorians.”
About Good Cycles
Good Cycles empowers young people facing barriers to work by offering them employment pathways, including training and coaching, on-the-job experience and job-seeking support. It also contributes to more sustainable cities by encouraging people to ride their bikes for transport through repairs and workshops. Good Cycles reinvests 100% of profits back into its mission: providing young Victorians at risk of disengagement with employment opportunities that improve their futures. Click here to read more about Good Cycles.
STREAT is a leading social enterprise with over a decade of experience supporting young people across Melbourne into employment pathways in hospitality and horticulture, supported by our dedicated youth work team. Their purpose is to help young people thrive and belong with a healthy self, home and work.
STREAT is also an organisation of advocates, advisors, researchers and changemakers, and are committed to generously sharing knowledge and collaborating with others to transition systems to be fairer and more regenerative. They believe this upcoming decade is particularly critical for all life on earth, and are committed to collaborating with others to bring about transformational changes. This upcoming decade will be spending even more time trying to superpower and grow our peers and other collaborative projects and organisations. Click here to read more about STREAT.