The Market has two Pick-A-Box locations (along Queen Street and in A Shed) so you can pick up a cardboard box and take your Market produce home in this rather than plastic bags.

Please join our effort to help the environment by reducing single-use plastic when you shop at Queen Vic Market.

There’s so many ways you can shop without plastic – here’s how you can help:

  • BYO bag, basket or shopping jeep.
  • Hire a trolley from Market Espresso on Queen Street or purchase a trolley from the hardware shop at the centre way of F Shed.
  • Buy a reusable Market bag or straw from our Visitor Information Hub or our traders.
  • Take your Market haul home in a cardboard box, visit our Pick-a-Box locations on Queen Street and A Shed.

Thanks for supporting our quest to reduce single-use plastic at Queen Vic Market.


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