Big Vic Deli in Neos Kosmos

Big Vic Deli in Neos Kosmos

“We look for edgy, interesting things and the latest example is N’duja, the spreadable, spicy hot Calabrian Salami that is shaped like a bomb with netting on the outside that is very popular in Melbourne. It is a huge seller for us. I curate food – I find what is good and present it to our customers. People have come to trust my products which are difficult to source. Our shop is about engagement, friendship and trust of service.”

Kon Kardaras from Big Vic Deli (Dairy Produce Hall Shop 25-28) recently caught up with the team at Neos Kosmos. Click here to read the full article.

Can’t make it to the Market? Don’t forget you can also shop Big Vic Deli online with Queen Victoria Market Online.

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