H & I Shed Traders Have Temporarily Moved

The final stage in the Shed Restoration project as part of the City of Melbourne’s Market Renewal Program, has commenced with work in H and I Sheds.

Restoration works will maintain the heritage charm that generations of Market goers fell in love with, while making important improvements which will help bring H and I Sheds into the 21st century – including the introduction of running water and individual electricity supply for each stall.

Temporary closure of H and I Sheds and trader relocations during works

To allow these works to occur, H and I Shed traders (which includes some fruit & veg, organics and specialty stalls) have relocated to temporary locations just across Queen Street in C and D Sheds.

H and I Shed traders can be found in these locations in C and D Sheds:

H and I Shed traders will remain in their temporary locations in C and D Sheds for a total of approximately 3 years while restoration and broader Market Infrastructure works occur.

Market Infrastructure works are expected to commence from mid-2023 once H and I Shed restoration works are complete and will occur in Queen Street and between the Meat and Fish Hall/H Shed.

This project will deliver two new facilities with dedicated trader and public amenities and essential back of house infrastructure located within close proximity of traders. This will help improve the Market’s operations and ensure we meet modern health, safety and environmental sustainability standards, while also making the Market an even better place to visit and shop.

H and I Sheds will be used for builder setup, trader amenities and back of house facilities during works.

Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for updates as we continue to restore and revitalise the Market.

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