Precinct Renewal: Munro Site

Construction is underway on the city’s largest new community hub at the Munro site, next door to the Market. Alongside the community facilities, the development will also provide new car parking for Market customers as well as apartments, a boutique hotel and complementary retail, with the Market at the heart of the precinct.

The Munro development is a key project of the City of Melbourne’s $250 million Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal program which will secure the Market’s future as an affordable, authentic open-air market, known for fresh produce, specialty shopping and of course the vast range of cafes and food.

As with any significant construction project you may notice some minor disruption but it will be business as usual at the Market.

Where is the Munro Site?
The Munro site is on the corner of Queen and Therry streets, opposite the Market.

What is being built?

  • 500 underground car parks for Market customers
  • 120 place childcare centre
  • Maternal child health and family services centre
  • Community centre
  • Residential apartments
  • Boutique hotel

What should I expect if I’m visiting the Market?
The development neighbours the Market on a separate site so the impacts for Market visitors will be minimal. Works will generate low to medium levels of noise and some dust. There will be intermittent pedestrian detours and parking changes on Queen and Therry street. Traffic controllers will be in place to manage vehicle and pedestrian movements. For your safety, please be patient and follow the instructions of traffic controllers. Signage is on site (corner Queen and Therry Streets) to explain current works or pop in to the Visitor Hub in String Bean Alley and speak to the friendly team for more information.

When is work taking place?
The construction hours on the Munro site are Monday to Friday from 7am to 5.30pm, except Wednesday when works finishes at 4.30pm, and Saturday 7am to 3.30pm.

How long will construction take?
The works to build the community facilities and market customer car parking are expected to be complete by 2021.

Learn more about the development of the Munro Site


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