Winter Produce Update

Winter Produce Update

Make it a market day and shop glorious winter produce including root vegetables, citrus fruit and roasting meat.

During these cooler months, carrots are deliciously sweet, pumpkin are in abundance, and turnips, parsnips, leeks and kohlrahbi are perfect for turning into soups and roasting with salt, oil and garlic. Beetroot is earthy, fennel has a delicious crunch, and celeriac is a match made in heaven with mash potato. Local black truffle is also available for a limited season.

Citrus fruits are local and at their best, with juicy mandarins, oranges and grapefruit lining the shelves; and lemons and limes are a magical blend of sweet and tart.

Secondary cuts of meat are ideal for braising, roasting and slow cooking. Lamb shanks, pork shoulder, beef brisket and beef short ribs are fantastic winter cuts, or pick up some chicken frames to create a hearty chicken stock.

Find all the best fresh, local produce in Sheds A, B, H and I, and in the Market’s famous Meat & Fish Hall and Dairy Produce Hall. And don’t forget, if you can’t make it to the Market, you can have all of this delicious produce delivered direct to your door with Queen Vic Market Online.

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